Are you motivated during this……? Get lockdown motivation
When all of us got the news of lockdown, there was a lot of chaos. And not just with us, but all over the world, even the great doctors and scientists did not understand what would have been the treatment of this dangerous disease.

You too would have panicked right?
Prevention of the disease was necessary and that’s why the government came with a “to stay at home” decision. It’s pretty sure that you would have seen hoardings and banners of hand sanitizers and masks.
They are recommended to everyone to prevent the disease from spreading.
For the first time, after the decade, malls, schools, colleges, offices, construction, and almost everything was closed worldwide.
Police and the medical staff were on duty, giving there days and night to conquer this disease, so many medical practitioners and the great doctor lost their lives. They need the most of the lockdown motivation because they are the first one, who needs it most.
Many politicians and great personalities came ahead and did funding to bring reliabilities from other countries to provide.
It was needed. It was a great attempt to keep the public united, and I am sure that people would have liked their generosity.
Now some of the restrictions are declined, and workplaces, restaurants are opening systematically, considering social distancing and other factors.
Schools and colleges are held online; most workplaces have redesigned their place and reschedule their timings to maintain social distancing. It has been a measure that most of the work is held online.
Medical staff who do the testing put the compartment zone on the society if they found it risky. If the person is infected with a lower percentage, he/she is put in the home quarantine so that other patients with more percentage can be admitted.
Now, as per the government guideline, medical students are also allocated to join the corona warriors, as they will be trained for this through the online coach and also gave lockdown motivation as they will do testing in their localities.
Most of the students studying in school/colleges have been mass promoted, and some of the main exams like the entrance test for engineering and last year’s semester student’s final exam are taken online.
To overcome the financial problem, the government decides not to take rents and EMIs for the upcoming three months, and the government provides some financial help to those who need it.
The situation is tough, for all of us.
After all of this, I am sure that you would have lacked the motivation to do things and move ahead again. Isn’t it?
Being staying for a long time at home and no work to do so many people lost their mental health. In this pandemic, many people are getting affected by anxiety, stress, and loneliness.
Many people are fired as the company can’t afford it, which puts the peer pressure on what he does next and how he will feed his family? Poor people who work on daily wages, more than the disease they have died due to hunger.
Again, due to this pandemic, some countries’ economy is almost crash. People who have gone to visit different cities have to stay there.
Rentals had pressure as to how they can pay rent to their landlords. Students preparing for entrance exams are so depressed, thinking that the exam will be held or not the exam will be postponed.
From the automobile sector to the digital sector, which is essential for life, there priced hiked. The local businesses such as dress shops, small manufacturing factories have lost their every client. Overall, the financial problem is a big issue for peoples because it directly implements life.
Due to the extreme workload, you can even get lockdown motivation. So many people can’t give their time to family, but they can make it due to this pandemic. And to be honest, that’s actually some great lockdown motivation for people.
Parents who lag in technology have learned so many things from their young family members. In the pandemic, so many people bring new short clips to keep entraining people.
Many people want to learn a new skill, which they can’t learn due to workload, but these pandemics allow them to learn a new skill, and so many people learned new skills through online courses.
Many people have learned cooking, which is a great hobby to have, so many learn to mope and sweep the floor, which they don’t have done in their entire lives.
Pandemic teaches how to keep a healthy learning environment. Pandemic gave a vacation to the people who hadn’t taken it from ages. One of the greatest factors of this pandemic is the reduction in pollution.
Due to the pandemic, every person is recommended to stay at home, thus the factories, vehicles were all off for a certain time and the ozone layer hole is closed itself.
Somewhere in India, the group of people comes over their terrace, and they play the game such as housie, in such pandemic, people use to believe that they can show their creativity too.
As some of the women want a designer mask for their different dress code, so there are many people that they provide such kind of things. Some people are good at dancing, and some are good at singing.
These guys make the short clips to keep entraining people. Some social groups go to each society, collecting food to feed the poor ones in their localities. All the people trying to get lockdown motivation as much as they can get it from anywhere they can.
The recent crisis also brought a lot of new opportunities. In recent a tribal community of India, who are not getting sanitizer supplies, they inherently make their own hand sanitizer.
They provide these sanitizers to other tribal communities to prevent the disease from spreading. Due to this pandemic, a local weaver lady, many areas didn’t get the masks, as they are getting out of stock, this lady made a mask of old clothes and provided everyone with the most affordable rates. With a win-win situation of society and herself.
Ayurveda medicines, you got right Patanjali coronil kit; as per so many consumers review, this coronil kit helps to boost the immune system, and it works fantastic, Patanjali discovers these medicines looking towards the pandemic, which is preferred by many of the peoples and it helps.
Automatic sanitation, one local company found this automatic sanitizer that automatically sanitizes the person and checks the body’s temperature. It is the most relevant idea and acquires by many of the shops. The company provides this at very affordable rates, and again it is a win-win situation.
Crisis brings a change in a system before the meeting was held in person, but after the pandemic, now it’s been taken online, and now it is the most reliable way to take a meeting.
Schools and colleges always believe that online education is trash, but now they are doing that, from teaching online to taking the test online. Most of the food stallers and chefs don’t wear gloves and hair wings, but now they do that.
Most of the restaurants are putting a barcode scanner menu to prevent the disease from spreading. To date, most of the payments are taken by cash, but now they are approaching online payment methods; nowadays, the online banking system is on trade to avoid the disease spread.
As all things are being online, and now we acquire this environment, it will be seen that it will continue for the upcoming years, and it is more relevant and comfort mode.
There is also a need for more people to maintain. If we talk about online meetings, there is a requirement for people who can manage the app. If we talk about the internet, there are people needed who can maintain it, like help center thus.
It leads to great job opportunities for jobless people. A change can lead to new opportunities and become the reason for redesigning the system, creating an effortless and relevant solution for the people. Today’s change can bring a better tomorrow.
We all know the situation is stiff, but we also believe that one day it will be all okay, that because we are united from our mindsets, crises bring a drastic change to our society, workplace, and our system, which will provide us with a better and relevant solution.
Rather than being depressed now, what will happen? We should put our thinking on what I can create something with an appositive mindset. If one person brings the change, it will help thousands more because, in the crisis, so many people will have the same situation.
From taking inspiration from the tribal group, if they can create sanitizer from nature, then we can also create so many things from our surroundings.
We know that being 24 hours at the same place makes you feel bored, but if you start putting efforts on something new, it will never be unless. If you can’t get rid of these, then listen to songs, read great books about your profession, talk to your family members, start doing its solution will come up on its own.
There are boundless ideas. Just the thing is we have to think about that, choose the idea which one will be the best and implement it in the nicest of ways possible!
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