Founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar, eBay is dedicated to connecting sellers and buyers worldwide. They provide both auction-style postings as well as singular-price storefronts for both brands and individual sellers alike. Millions of items of all kinds are listed, bought, or sold every day—just about anything can be auctioned so long as it does not violate any legal restrictions or the “Prohibited and Restricted Items” policy. To help international buyers and sellers, eBay even provides a “Global Shipping Program” to facilitate shipping processes.

Buy and sell electronics, cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, baby items, coupons, and everything else on eBay, the world’s online marketplace
Does eBay offer free shipping?
It’s always up to the seller to offer free or combined shipping benefits. But you can select “free shipping” in the search filters to only show results without charges.
Am I able to earn eBay rewards?
Enrollment in the eBay Bucks reward program is no longer open to new members. However, people who are already members may still be able to get special eBay Bucks offers.
Is there a discount or reward for opening an eBay credit card?
If you apply for and use an eBay Mastercard, you can earn points on your purchases for the Synchrony Bank Reward program. 1,500 points can be redeemed for a $10 discount.
Does eBay have an email newsletter offer?
When you sign up for an account, you can opt into notifications for “recommendations and rewards.” You’ll get personalized recommendations, eBay rewards, and offers in your inbox.
Is there a dedicated page for seasonal eBay discounts?
In the footer, you’ll find a tab called “Seasonal sales and events.” Click it for access to all the sales and discounts, with a panel of links for specific seasons like Black Friday.
Does eBay offer any limited-time deals?
Yes! There is a “Daily Deals” page for short-lived specials. Some are even only as short as a few hours, so you’ll want a line on freshly updated info and announcements.
I know eBay has a lot of independent sellers, but what if I want discounts on brand names?
Check out the “Brand Outlet” link in the header. You can search various name brands across multiple departments for discounts and deals.
Does eBay have quality-approved refurb deals?
Check out the “Refurbished” tab in the homepage navigation. You can save up to 50% on top brands and get eBay warranties to ensure their quality.
Is there a place I can find active site-based eBay coupon codes?
Yes! There is a “Coupons” page that lists and links to active offers and discount codes for products all over the website.
What kind of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals did eBay have?
eBay offere a wide range of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, including discounts on electronics, fashion, home goods, collectibles, and more. eBay had limited-time flash sales, markdowns on popular brands, and exclusive online-only promotions. Also featured a mix of new, refurbished, and vintage items at discounted prices, making it a great place to find unique deals.
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